What we do
The PSC manages a broad range of functions aimed at promoting openness, transparency, and accountability in the public service.
Our executive leadership team
Our leadership team is responsible for the department's long-term performance, business success and timely delivery of the government's priorities.
Our reports
Our reports detail our activities, performance and financial position. Read our latest and past annual reports.
Our strategies and plans
Our strategic planning documents show how the commission will support the government to serve Queenslanders.
Our service areas
The PSC responsible for workforce policy, strategy, leadership and organisational performance across the Queensland public sector.
Public Sector Governance Council
Under the Act, the Public Sector Governance Council (PSGC), is to provide system leadership and stewardship of the public sector and to oversee public sector governance.
Right to information
The Right to Information (RTI) legislation is part of the Queensland Government's commitment to providing the community with greater access to information.